

Gold Max Pink 2 Capsules


Formulated to boost female arousal, Gold Max Pink follows on the heels of the successful male enhancement capsule, Gold Max, and is packed with fast-acting herbal ingredients all of which can rapidly improve female libido for enhanced sexual satisfaction during masturbation, foreplay and sexual intercourse.

Both men and women sometimes need an extra push to energise themselves, enabling them to discover the peak of their orgasm potential. Up until now, only men could achieve this easily and quickly.

With Gold Max Pink all it takes is one or two capsules 45 minutes prior to sexual intercourse and not only will libido and sexual interest be heightened, the physical part of intimacy will also feel better than before.

Packed with potent ingredients such as Ginseng, Cistanche Deserticola and Wolfberry, this formulation is completely natural which means that it gives the user a gentle lift that works in harmony with her body.

An instant arousal pill, continued use of Gold Max Pink can yield continually progressive benefits for the user, gradually boosting overall libido and sexual energy so that sexual desire becomes second nature and improved sexual desire begins to occur naturally.

The Gold Max Pink formula contains Ginseng, Cistanche Deserticola, Kacip Fatimah, Rhodiola Rosea, Chinese Angelica, Wolfberry, Radix Astragali and the pills can be taken with water prior to a meal for best results.

Not only can Gold Max Pink improve sexual mood and the physical sensation of sexual intimacy, this natural formulation can also increase the strength of orgasms.

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