

Nomi Tang Prolong 30ml


Nomi Tang Prolong is a rapid-acting spray designed for men who suffer with premature ejaculation and for those who want their erection to last longer prior to climax.

Packaged in a small and simple to use spray, Nomi Tang Prolong can be sprayed directly on the shaft and glans of the penis and quickly absorbs, gently numbing the area which prevents the penis becoming over sensitive during physical contact.

With the penis slightly numbed, men will be able to maintain their erection for longer, staving off their orgasm which causes almost instantaneous loss of erection.

Best of all, it only takes 1 – 3 sprays per use for up to 15 minutes reduced sensitivity.

Ideal for men who feel their lack of sexual stamina is an issue that prevents their partner achieving an orgasm, Nomi Tang Prolong is the quick and easy solution – and can be applied discreetly so that your lover need not know you are using it.

Nomi Tang Prolong has been created with a non greasy formula, which enables rapid absorption into the skin and prevents the transfer to your partner.

Because Nomi Tang has been dermatologically tested on the skin and sensitive areas such as the penis you can feel confident that this spray will not irritate.

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