

Jes Extender Spares And Parts - Protection Pad


The Jes range of extenders is one of the most popular traction methods of penis enhancement available. However some people have found that prolonged use of the devices can cause a certain tenderness or soreness near the tip of their penis.

Fortunately, here is the answer – the Jes Protection Pad. Made from soft but hard-wearing foam it simply slips over the glans to give comfortable penis protection for as long as the Jes Extender is worn. Whether it is the strap or the silicone tube of the Jes Extender that is causing a sore penis the user will find that this handy pad gives instant and lasting relief.

So where there otherwise be temptation to loosen the device and therefore lessen its effectiveness this allows the optimum level of tightness to be maintained for as long as is wanted

It also means that users can continue to wear their Jes Extender whenever and wherever they want – under everyday clothes or simply when relaxing at home.

Because the Jes Extender Protection Pad will extend the periods of time the device can be worn it could also mean that a user may achieve their aims far sooner than anticipated.

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